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The Class of '62 shows off

( Dates are of last update)

Then and Now(071003)
WhiteGrade School 8th Grade(071003)
Columbia Grade School 6th Grade(071003)
Terry and Patty Wilson Fuchs Welcome 2006 Reunion(060606)
General Interest Pictures (021025)
Joe Hanlon sends pics (041118)
Loucks Grade School (030508)
Guess Who (021104)
Gerry Bower's 25th reunion pictures(021103)
Carol Schmidgall's Reunion Pictures (021021)
Jim Lightfoot's Pictures(020825)
Ray Keithley's Pictures(020823)
Bill Bontemps Reunion Photos (020821)
Hunts (020820)
The Peoria High School Tour (020820)
Franklin Grade School (020820)
The Terry and Patty Wilson Fuchs Welcome(020818)

Byrkit, Dave (020819)
Clark, Colin (021016)
Claassen, Judy (021106)
Dimler, Bruce (020818)
Duffy, Gary (020730)
Elias, Bernie (020813)
Fuchs, Terry (020813)
Hampy, Susie (020804)
Harrison, Jim (020810)
Heytman, Don (020824)
Hobin, Mary (020818)
Jones, Tom (020809)
Lien, Nancy (020812)
Lightfoot, Jim (020803)
Looger, Lyle (021113)
Marshall, Todd (020730)
Miskimen, Dean (060416)
Pendleton, Dee (020812)
Pelini, Marilynn (020827)
Pomerenke, Neil (020811)
Rager, Larry (020817)
Reeves, Linda (020809)
Ring, Margaret (020812)
Ringel, Kay (020821)
Rubloff, Gary (020811)
Sanderson, Dave (020825)
Sandy, Ron (020823)
Schmidgall, Carol (020820)
Simpson, Frank (020808)
Smith, Linda (020817)
Speers, Rich (021106)
Stonebock, Char (020814)
Teeter, Chuck (020805)
Trompeter, Kent (020806)
Williams, Sandy (020803)
Wilson, Laraine (020730)
Wilson, Patty (020813)

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